NST is a Non-violent Shield Training program especially designed to
safely secure combative individuals during a stat team intervention,
using the Turtle-Shield (a padded blocking device).
The focus of NST is to promote a higher level of safety in your facility. This course contains a series of proactive approaches of de-escalation and non-violent Turtle-Shield® techniques. Upon completion of the NST program, the participant will gain confidence and effectiveness controlling aggressive behavior in a humane manner.
Why is NST important to you
Statistics show that the problem of patient assault to staff is increasing at an alarming rate. Promoting a safer milieu for your organization will save time, money, and injuries. One mental health hospital reported that the annual cost of injuries to employees resulting from patient intervention was $766,000. Healthcare employee injuries represent over 50% of violence-related workers compensation claims.
How NST will benefit you
The content of this course enables you and your employees to use the Turtle-Shield in a safe and effective manner. After this course, you will be better equipped to handle belligerent individuals. A series of stances, blocking, and moving techniques; informative lectures, and interactive role-playing encompass this comprehensive shield training seminar.
Who should take this course
Anyone who is concerned with the safety of patients and employees should take this course.
Organizations such as: mental health facilities, healthcare employees, care givers, juvenile detention centers, military staff, police departments, schools or wherever there is a need to protect both the user of the shield and the person to be subdued.
#1 Complete Package Deal - for customized NST training - at Your location:
One Day of Non-Violent Shield Training,
“Train The Trainer” for only $7995.00. T&E included.
For further information, call: 305-867-8922 or
This Package Deal includes 6-10 Trainees:
1. One Free Upgraded Turtle Shield Pro model (a $1295 value).
2. One Free NST DVD (a $300 value)
3. 6-10 NST manuals
4. Train the Trainer Certificates, and much more.
#2 Complete Package Deal at Our location: $2290 (2 Trainees minimum); First Trainee for $1295.00, and Second Trainee for $995.00
With this Package Deal, you will be get:
1. One Free NST DVD (a $300 value)
2. 6-10 NST manuals
3. Train the Trainer Certificates, and much more.
#1 Complete Package Deal - for customized NST training - at Your location: $7995
# 2 Complete Package: $2290
Two trainees minimum
Extra Trainee: $995